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The Talk

I still remember the day vividly when I decided to break the news to my dad. He, like many others out there who couldn't (still can't I believe) keep their eyes and hands off smartphones, was giving his phone undivided attention when I informed him about my decision. I said informed because growing up as the only child (I would like to think that I wasn't a spoilt brat thankyouverymuch), I made most of my decisions, big or small, by myself. Once a decision is made, there is almost nothing you can do to revert that.

"Ba, I'm going to cycle to Taiwan."

No response from Dad. Still very much glued to his phone.

"Are you listening? I'm going to cycle to Taiwan, not taking a plane STRAIGHT to Taiwan..."

A few seconds later, still not making any eye contact with me, he said, "Don't be silly..." continued swiping his phone.

"Why?" I prompted.

"Do not attempt such stupid act." he said cooly. I guess that would be my cue to stop. It would be pointless to push further. I heaved a sigh of relief, well, at least he was being informed now.

P/S: In case you are curious about my ma, she passed away years ago. I wasn't sure what would be her reaction, but ma being ma, I guess she would first freak out, and then nag and nag and nag. Now that I'm back in one tanned piece, I would like to think that ma was my guardian angel throughout this amazing journey of mine.

All set for my runaway!

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